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Self Funding

You could keep doing insurance their way.
Or, you could put yourself in the drivers seat.

Traditional Health Insurance Experience

If you are like many mid to large size employers, your health insurance experience has been one of frustration because of unmet expectations, such as the ones listed below.


insurance frustrations

Self Funded Health Insurance Experience

man at steering wheel

Self funding puts you behind the wheel of your health insurance program, one that’s custom-fit to your strategic initiatives and unique workforce dynamics.

Companies in self funded health insurance arrangements pay

5- 0 %

less on average than their fully insured counterparts due to eliminated fees & taxes alone.

Fees eliminated or reduced by Self Funding
Self Funding continues to be a proven solution that more and more organizations are employing to address rising healthcare costs and to customize their benefit programs to better meet their strategic objectives.
Breaking down the sources of savings in a self insured program

Typical sources of savings are through lower admin fees, elimination of carrier pooling charges, claims run-out margin, exemption from fees and taxes that only apply to fully insured programs, drug program PBM, plan design flexibility, stand alone or captive stop loss programs and robust population health management solutions.

Characteristics of Successful Self Funded Programs

Budget Stability through setting appropriate stop loss levels

Plan solvency through proactive cash reserve build-up

Robust claims mgmt. partnerships (i.e. diabetic concierge services) with measurable ROI

Advanced data mining and predictive analytics


Dashboard views of health plan performance with actionable insights

Prescription Drug Program Transparency


Wellness & Benefit Program Tools that engage & empower your employees

Vendor Performance Guarantees   

Carefully managed Stop Loss through individual or captive programs

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