Consiliarium Supports Fairport School’s Make A Difference Campaign

A mantra that we all should embrace and live by each day…being kind to one another.
The Fairport community is rallying behind 5 Fairport families with children diagnosed with cancer. Through this ongoing campaign, the school and community together are raising money for Golisano Children’s Hospital and CURE Childhood Cancer Association, a local non-profit providing assistance to families with children battling cancer.
Consiliarium Discusses Employee Healthcare Transparency Tools & Engagement

On September 21, 2018, the Consiliarium team lead the discussion on Employee Healthcare Transparency Tools and Engagement with HR professionals in the Rochester Community.
As part of the Friday HR Briefing with the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce, our team discussed the need for healthcare cost transparency as high deductible health plans continue to be prevalent, which puts the healthcare decision making into the hands of employees.